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July 14, 2000 

WHY haven't you joined any of the damn good cash programs?

Too Much Hassle / Too Much Clutter / $0.50/hr not Enough.Look Familiar?

I have participated in almost all of the Paid to Surf programs, Paid to use Email, Paid to use their search box, Paid to take survey and testing their functionality and potential for earning money. 

These are the only 20 that I have decided to keep and use. I have already tested the market and found the following programs to be the absolute best "Paying" and "Hassle Free" ways to put dollars in your pocket while being online! 

Be Honest with yourself: You are not going to get any money when you surf the net. The point is to make some money while you're online enjoying yourself. 

If you're just surfing for fun when you're bored, why not make money when you really can make real cash. If you're still no convinced. Think what others, like you lone surfer are doing.

The following extract is from Mr. Bowen who lives in England. Thanks to your recommendations to these surf to programs that I have decided to make the same type of website that others can rely on getting paid to surf programs.

How Much Fun Are You Really Having? How Much Work Are You Doing when you surf the net? Think again or to start right away for your fortune,

Click here to earn right away

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